• Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

The nature of freelance writing jobs and essential points to remember while dealing with such jobs


Jun 3, 2016

What does Charles dickens, Ray Bradbury  and Stephen king have in common??

 They all started as freelance writers.

Ever wondered how cool it would be to get paid just to write something. I mean, who knew how big a difference you could make just by writing out your thoughts and knowledge about a particular topic. Seems, pretty interesting, isn’t it?

Contentmart offers the unlimited advantages to hone your writing skills as a freelance writer. Of course, there are quite a large number of sites available on the World Wide Web dealing in freelance writing jobs and offering lumpsums to the users, but some or the other flaw has been associated with the succeeding trail of events.


Contentmart specializes in offering hassle free freelance writing and guaranteeing the deals with the clients creating a more amiable environment to the writers and the business organizations and the like. Some key points worth noting about freelance writing jobs include

  • Avoiding plagiarism at all costs. Contentmart assures that plagiarism is avoided at all costs. Hence , the article is thoroughly checked for all kinds of such bugs before it is sent to the customer for successful delivery.
  • More often, some sites witness that most users do not pay the writers after the content is successfully delivered to them by the writer. Contentart, on the other hand, saves such mishaps for writers by paying the latter with the specified money after the successful delivery of the specified content by the writer before the mentioned deadline.

In this way, the writers do not suffer from trust issues with respect to any client. Quite an interesting feature, isn’t it?

  • More often, through contentmart, the freelance writers experience awesomeness while delivering the product depending on the bids made by them.

Some important points however to note if you are planning to take up freelance writing jobs as an occupation are :

  • Be original and 100% authentic with respect to the quality of the work
  • Complete the assigned tasks within the specified deadline
  • Ensure that all payment details are provided by you to ensure successful withdrawal of payment after reaching a specified amount (as per the rules of the website)
  • Ensure to be polite enough to deal with the clients when declining or accepting offers.

Freelance writing jobs though are not to be regarded as a piece of cake. One can go many sleepless nights attending to the requests of the clients and if you are lucky enough to have an abundance of orders. Depending on the quality of work you offer, the clients are drawn to you and thus, the work you offer is where your real mettle lies. It can either lead you up the hill or just simply bring you down the road. Either ways, freelance writing jobs are boon and bane and what we make of it is solely dependent on the choices of work we opt for.

Happy writing!
